Friday, June 26, 2009

Operation Aborted on IE8

We've had a report from of one of our community members, who was intending to post a comment on one of our posts, that he is getting an "Operation Aborted" error on IE8!

We were able to reproduce this and the issue and after some research, tracked it down to the "Comment form".

We had previously selected for the comment form to appear underneath the post (as with most regular blogging systems) - after changing it to "full page" so that people will now have to click on a link and then add their comment.

This is a temporary measure and we will reimplement the embedded comment form once Blogger has this issue resolved.

Our team has actually come across a similar issue to this and it came down to the modification of the DOM prior to the page being loaded. Perhaps this is the same issue? Only time will tell.

We apologise to the users who have been inconvenienced by this issue and encourage blogger devs to please fix this issue as fast as they can.

In the mean time, you can post your comments by clicking on the "post a comment" link below the post in place of the previously embedded comment form.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Developers Episode 7: Monopoly

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The Developers - Episode 7: Monopoly

Web Development isn't all about politics - sometimes it's about the games people play!

Project Bolina Commences - a new and exciting project by DevProducts

After several meetings and planning sessions, project Bolina is _finally_ under way! As with all of our projects, our web development team is very excited about this and at the same time are very secretive about the project specifics!

While we are not disclosing the specifics, we can tell you about what components and web applications we will be implementing and/or developing from scratch to make this project happen.

At the time of this writing, we have project Bolina penned in to have the following services, components and features developed:

  • Web hosting and email
  • Technical Support
Design Features/Services:
  • Unique Custom Web Design
  • Joomla Template Production
Web Development:
  • Content Management System (Joomla!)
  • Joomla! Native Components and Plugins

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Developers Epsiode 6: Business as usual

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The Developers - Episode 6: Business as Usual

Sometimes inspiration is hard to find...

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Developers - Episode 5: Death Bed

click on the thumbnail to view
The Developers - Episode 5: Death Bed

We've been told to say that this episode is purely fictional. It's totally made up
and is the one episode that is NOT based on actual events / phone conversations
(is that OK RV? ;) )

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sitemap XML for Blogger Issues

Since the order was given to drive the "DevProducts on Blogger" project, we've added to our list of sites to manage in Google's webmaster tools.

So we added and added a sitemap which is also our atom feed syndication address.

The Problem
This was fine for a while, but since signing up to feedburner and redirecting all feed traffic to use the feedburner address which is, Google was presenting us with some warnings:
Line: 2 Invalid XML: too many tags - Too many tags describing this tag.
Line: 2 Incorrect namespace - Your Sitemap or Sitemap index file doesn't properly declare the namespace.
This is due to Google's sitemap processor being redirected to the feedburner address rather than the actual atom XML document.

The Solution
A quick Google search presented us with the solution on's Digital Inspiration blog.

To fix this issue we had to do the following steps:
Step 1: Delete the existing Sitemap - which is in our case
Step 2: Add a new sitemap post-fixed with ?redirect=false - so again, in our case it was
Looking to add a sitemap for your blogger blog to Google Webmaster Tools?
Of course if you were looking for a solution to add your a sitemap to webmaster tools for your blogger blog, then you just add: http://[your blog name]

Thanks Amit ;)
A big thank you to Amit from Digital Inspiration for posting this info in 2007. Say hello to little "google" for us :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Client Aid: Microsoft Outlook displays PDF as garbled text

Well, this little not-so-reproducable pickle was tricky to figure out! One of our Web Design clients, for whom we had created a newsletter broadcast application, reported that when they send themselves a preview, clicking on the http links to PDF files were replacing the entire email message with "garbled text".

During the brief conference call, our team were noting things such as:
  • "corrupt pdf" (could be)
  • "problems with the way the PDF was being uploaded" (possibly)
  • that "somehow the header was being stripped during upload
    (far fetched).
  • "gzip compression" (nope, couldn't be it)
  • caching? (nope, not that either)
After the meeting was over, first thing we did was try it for ourselves.

First up was to send ourselves a preview email and retrieve the email using the Mozilla Thunderbird E-Mail Client.

It worked for us! Clicking on the PDF link in Thunderbird showed no problems. We called the client and asked them to do the same - the behaviour was confirmed. It was working on the Mozilla Thunderbird E-Mail Client, but not the client's primary e-mail client which was Microsoft Outlook 2003.

We did some further analysis and concluded that MS Outlook 2003 was actually trying to load the pdf http link sent in a HTML e-mail as a regular HTML page. This explains why clicking on the http links to PDF files displays "garbled text".

Although not so W3C compliant, the only solution to this was to add a "target" attribute to the pdf link to force it to open in a new window.

At the end, our client was happily chuckling "why didn't we think of that" when we told them what the problem actually was and how to fix it. A simple solution to a very strange problem, but most of the work we had done was to actually pin-point where and how this behaviour was occuring.

This solution of course came free of charge - we know how to look after our clients and will do favours such as these, whenever possible, as required.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Developers - Episode 4: Stress Relief

click on the thumbnail to view
The Developers - Episode 4: Stress Relief

Stressed out...? Here's one way to wind down.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

DevProducts gets Social with it!

As you may have gathered from our previous posts about Twitter and MyBlogLog, we are jumping onto the blog and social networking scenes! This is all part of our bid to make ourselves more accessible to the ever expanding internet community.

Since the "DevProducts on Blogger"project started, we have signed up and become part of the bustling blogging community at Yahoo!'s MyBlogLog and Blog Catalog.

We also joined popular social networking sites such as Twitter and now Facebook! Something that we are looking to develop further once we get all of our internal projects finalised.

So consider yourself invited to connect with us!
You can find and contact us in any of the following channels where you can stay updated with the latest and greatest posts on the "DevProducts on Blogger" project, interact with us through twitter and facebook and/or be part of our blog communities at MyBlog and Blog Catalog:
We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Today is officially Achilles Release Day!

Well, it's been an extremely busy week for our development team here at DevProducts and it all comes down to today, which we have officially dubbed "Achilles Release Day".

Know your Project Names - don't know what the Achilles project is?
Well, the way it works around here at DevProducts is that all projects are assigned a project name. For our client Seniors Discounts, we assigned the project name of "Achilles".

Other project names of course, came after such as Apollo, Athena, Atlanta, Atlas, Balios, Bellerophon, Bendis, Bia - look the list goes on, and when we reach project "Zeus", trust us, we _will_ let you know about it! ;)

We have two major sub-projects to release for project Achilles today - Achilles:44 and Achilles:48. The main requirements for the Achilles:44 sub-project is to give the client the ability to incorporate discount listings their site's content through the WYSIWYG interface.

The configured content then needed to be rendered for display to the thousands of users that view the Seniors Discounts website daily.

Achilles:48 was all about syndication. Creating atom and RSS feed formats for the native discount listings component we had developed for the main Achilles release.

As icing on the cake, our talented design team crafted a beautiful widget which consolidates access to discounts, articles and quick find feeds as well as a link to the Seniors Discounts Twitter page.

We managed this project through the use of the use of our project tracking system - currently dubbed as the "DevProducts projects sub-site" (uber cool name pending), but this is a subject for another post.

All in all, Achilles release day was an success. Seniors Discounts now has two brilliant tools to help them syndicate their content and promote their listings and although we do this time and time again - we, the DevProducts team look on proudly at the projects we have released.

Congratulations to the development team. Yet another quality DevProducts release.