So we added and added a sitemap which is also our atom feed syndication address.
The Problem
This was fine for a while, but since signing up to feedburner and redirecting all feed traffic to use the feedburner address which is, Google was presenting us with some warnings:
Line: 2 Invalid XML: too many tags - Too many tags describing this tag.This is due to Google's sitemap processor being redirected to the feedburner address rather than the actual atom XML document.
Line: 2 Incorrect namespace - Your Sitemap or Sitemap index file doesn't properly declare the namespace.
The Solution
A quick Google search presented us with the solution on's Digital Inspiration blog.
To fix this issue we had to do the following steps:
Step 1: Delete the existing Sitemap - which is in our case to add a sitemap for your blogger blog to Google Webmaster Tools?
Step 2: Add a new sitemap post-fixed with ?redirect=false - so again, in our case it was
Of course if you were looking for a solution to add your a sitemap to webmaster tools for your blogger blog, then you just add: http://[your blog name]
Thanks Amit ;)
A big thank you to Amit from Digital Inspiration for posting this info in 2007. Say hello to little "google" for us :)
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