Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sitemap XML for Blogger Issues

Since the order was given to drive the "DevProducts on Blogger" project, we've added to our list of sites to manage in Google's webmaster tools.

So we added and added a sitemap which is also our atom feed syndication address.

The Problem
This was fine for a while, but since signing up to feedburner and redirecting all feed traffic to use the feedburner address which is, Google was presenting us with some warnings:
Line: 2 Invalid XML: too many tags - Too many tags describing this tag.
Line: 2 Incorrect namespace - Your Sitemap or Sitemap index file doesn't properly declare the namespace.
This is due to Google's sitemap processor being redirected to the feedburner address rather than the actual atom XML document.

The Solution
A quick Google search presented us with the solution on's Digital Inspiration blog.

To fix this issue we had to do the following steps:
Step 1: Delete the existing Sitemap - which is in our case
Step 2: Add a new sitemap post-fixed with ?redirect=false - so again, in our case it was
Looking to add a sitemap for your blogger blog to Google Webmaster Tools?
Of course if you were looking for a solution to add your a sitemap to webmaster tools for your blogger blog, then you just add: http://[your blog name]

Thanks Amit ;)
A big thank you to Amit from Digital Inspiration for posting this info in 2007. Say hello to little "google" for us :)